
Monday, 27 August 2012

ABCs of Web Design

Accessibility - refers to how easy to use or 'accessible' your website is, in particular to less able users such the visually impaired.

Breadcrumb trail - often also known as a pathway, the breadcrumb is a (usually) horizontal list of links which display the path to the current page from the homepage for example the breadcrumb trail to this article may be:

Home > Internet & Business Online > Web Design > ABC's of Web Design

CSS - Cascading style sheets usually referred to as CSS are a markup language used to tell web browsers what a web pages should look like for example what colours, font styles, sizes and positions a page should use. CSS files have the file extension.css

Domain names - A domain name is the names used to find a website in a web browser for example Domain names can also have subdomains such as

Embed - A term often used generally to describe elements such as video or flash which can be 'embedded' into a page. An embedded element is usually something which does not run natively in a web browser and required additional plugins to be installed such as a flash player.

Favicon - Short for 'favourite icon' the favicon is the small image displayed next to the url in most web browsers. It gets its name from a time before search engines were commonly used to find websites and favourite lists were important features. The favicon would sit next to favourite bookmarked sites.

GUI - Graphical user interface or GUI refers to the operating system which allows a visitor to get information from a computer in visual form without entering code. In its any website is a GUI although in web design this terminology usually refers to more advanced web based applications and games.

HTML - Hypertext Markup Language or HTML is the main language of the web and what most web pages use to structure their content. not strictly a programming language HTML is a very basic set of commands which a web browser can interpret to help lay out a web page.

Image map - An essentially outdated style of web design where a single image has clickable sections which link to different web pages. Image maps are rarely used in modern web design as they are considered somewhat inaccessible

JPEG - JPEG or JPG are the most common file type used for displaying images on the internet. GIF and PNG images are also popular.

Keywords - Keywords are used by search engine optimisers (SEO's) to help search engines to understand what a page is about and return that page for relevant search results. SEO's used to place keywords inside meta keyword tags although this practice is now outdated and keywords are now most effective if used in the page title, headings and within the copy of webpages.

Link - Links or Hyperlinks are the navigational systems of the internet allowing visitors to move between web pages and web sites. Links are coded in HTML using the a href tags but a link can also be created using javascript and flash.

Meta data - Meta data on web pages refers to additional information about the page contained in the area of the HTML which is not displayed to visitors but is instead used by machines readers such as search engine crawlers.

Navigation - Any system which allows visitors to 'navigate their way around a website may be referred to as a navigation system. the most common navigation on websites are menus, search functions, breadcrumb trails and sitemaps

Open source - Refers to software where the source code can be accessed and edited to make it behave in a different way. The most popular open source software in web design today is the WordPress blogging platform which anyone can download, install and edit. Open source typically makes web design faster as its often easier to start with someone else's code than to write your own from scratch.

Permalink - permanent link's or permalinks are usually used in blogging terminology to describe the absolute link to a post or page which does not change over time. As blogs are time based with new content being added regularly the permalink of a post is where the post will still be found after it gets pushed off the homepage by newer posts.

RSS - Really Simple Syndication or RSS is a type of XML file which simplifies the contents of a website into a content 'feed' which can be easily published on other sites or accessed by applications such as RSS readers. Using RSS a sites contents can be read without ever having to visit the website itself.

Subdomain - A subdomain sits underneath a domain name in the hierarchy of the web. The subdomain is the part of a web address which proceeds the domain name. for example in the 'blog' part of the address would be the subdomain while EzineArticles would be the domain. Subdomains are useful for hosting different types of content under the same domain name.

Tracking code - Code added to web pages to allow visitors to be monitored by Web Analytics tools like Google Analytics is called tracking code. Usually tracking code is a small piece of javascript code which is not visible on a web page to normal visitors but communicates information about the visitor back to the web analytics server.

URL - universal resource locator or URL is the address of a webpage on the internet which is displayed in the address bar of a web browser.

Valid XHTML - refers to the code of a webpage which 'validates' against standards set out by the W3C (see below). This is an industry standard among web designers.

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium or W3C are a group who define 'standards' for web design technology.

XML - eXtensible Markup Language or XML is a type of markup language used to create a simple structure for online documents such as RSS feeds.

John McElborough wrote this article for Brighton web design company Bright Site who build search engine optimised and standards compliant websites for customers in Brighton, England and across the UK. This article is an introduction to some of the main terminology used by web designers. Web design can be a complex area, it can also be relatively simple if you choose the right company. Look for a web design agency who aim to cut out the jargon and explain things to you in simple terms. For a good web design agency Brighton see the Bright Site website.

Web Design & Development

Designing a web page entails modeling, conceptualizing, planning and executing media content in electronic form and delivering it through the Internet by the use of technologies like markup languages and it is suitable for the presentation and rendering by the web browsers or other GUIs that are web based. Web design is used generally to mean or describe any of the tasks that are involved in the creation of a web site. In web design, there are two fundamental aspects that are located in any web page that is on the Internet. The first aspect is the presentation in which the user has to interact with, which is usually in visual form. The second one is the back-end which has information for the browsers that are non-human. Web design uses a fundamental markup language utilized in the browser to inform it of how presentation of information is carried out and it is known as the HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language.

Also, in web design, there is a stricter version of this HTML and it is also widely used known as the XHTML, denotation of extensible Hyper Text Markup Language. A person designing a web design is known as a web designer and this individual uses the XHTML or the HTML to be able to inform the browser of the layout of the web page. A web page should be created with some items like text, bit-mapped images and forms. These items are placed with the use of XML, XHTML and HTML tags. So that complex media can be displayed, such as animations, sounds, vector graphics and videos, there is usually the requirement of the browser incorporating optional plug-ins like the QuickTime, Java and Flash Player. Other plug-ins are embedded in the web pages with the use of the XHTML or HTML tags. Technically, a web design can be quite a difficult procedure. This is because of the HTML having various variable factors.

In web design, not all browsers can be able to interpret the HTML in regard to the standards created by the World Wide Web consortium, which can also be called W3. By this, they mean that a piece of web design will appear exactly as the web designer designated in one type of browser and it may come out quite differently in another browser type. The solutions to these types of problems are numerous so that they may circumvent the browser-specific bugs. This task in web design is a very tenuous business at best. The improvements in the different compliancy of browsers that have the W3C standards then initiated the widespread acceptance of the XML and XHTML together with the Cascading Style Sheets for manipulation and positioning of the elements of a web page. The new standards from W3C and the proposals intend to deliver accessibility and media options in a wide array to a client without the need of employing any plug-ins. The possibilities available for the web design are considered limitless even though at a particular point, they were very constrained with the browser boundaries.

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Friday, 17 August 2012

What Is A Stock Market?

We have to first know 'what is a market' in order to understand 'what is stock market.' The word 'market' brings up a vision of a place where the buyers and sellers assemble to trade the goods in exchange for money. We have the examples of fish market, vegetable market or cloth market and so on.

Market, in short, is a kind of arrangement where the sellers and buyers voluntarily exchange goods or services with money. There are two pre-requisites for the market to function; there have to be the sellers and the buyers. Both these parties try to achieve an optimum deal. The seller wants to sell the product and earn the maximum profit, while the buyer wants to buy it at an optimum price.

The chief function of the market is to discover the right price.

Going by the definition of the market, stock market is also a place where the buyers and the sellers of the companies' stocks assemble to do the trading. But this trading takes place in prescribed premises called stock exchange. Technically speaking, a stock exchange facilitates the exchange of securities among the sellers and the buyers. American Stock Exchange -AMEX-is one such example of a stock exchange where the stock trading takes place.

With the passage of time and the advancement of computer technology, the concept of the traditional stock exchange has undergone a sea change. Now we have virtual stock exchanges. The best example of a virtual or electronic stock exchange is National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System or NASDAQ.

In earlier days, the stock traders would use what was called an outcry method in the physical stock exchanges. They would yell and gesticulate wildly to make their point.

Now the stock trading is performed on a central computer which can be accessed by every stock trader at his personal computer through a telecommunication network. The central computer takes the orders of the buyers and sellers and matches them. If the quantities and the prices are commensurate with each other, the order is executed. The whole process takes place within a fraction of a second.

The unit of trade in a stock market is called share. A share represents your ownership of a company whose stock you are dealing with.

Suppose someone with technical expertise wants to start a large scale company, but does not have sufficient funds. He advertises his plans to open the company and provides the details of its feasibility and success through a kind of prospectus. He thus invites the public at large to invest in the company by buying its shares. This is called an IPO or the Initial Public Offering. Anyone who buys its shares, obviously, becomes the share holder of the company.

But once you buy the shares you would not like to hold them indefinitely. You would want to sell them away either at profit or at loss depending upon your needs.

The company meanwhile lists its stock with a stock exchange. Once the stock of the company is listed, the shareholders can sell the shares of the company and buy the shares of another company. This kind of trading of shares through the stock exchange is called secondary market, while the sale and purchase of the shares at the time of the IPO is called primary market.

The stock exchange provides a platform that facilitates the trading in shares of the listed companies. It also regulates the conduct of the listed companies through certain rules and regulations.

The shares that are traded on stock exchange are received and delivered electronically and entered into the records of the buyers and the sellers. The whole process takes place through a brokerage firm which is also called a depository company. The whole process of transaction, as mentioned earlier, takes place within a matter of seconds. The sellers sell their shares and get the money and buyer get their shares immediately.

Despite the huge ups and downs associated with the stock market, the brokerage firms honor their commitments to their clients.

Stock market is considered as a barometer of the country's economy. The companies listed on stock exchanges collectively contribute to the country's GDP. When the prices of the shares rise, there is a corresponding increase in the index of the stock market. The rise in stock market index indicates the growth of the country's economy. So if you participate in the stock market, you are partaking in the economic growth of your country.

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Stock Market Quotes

The stock market is the realm where all businesses survive. In fact all interactions including the buying and selling of stock are done on the stock market, which enables businesses to regulate their profits. However, if you are a beginner in the realm of the stock market, you would figure as a dummy in the stock market jargon. Stock market trading is all about organizing them and living with the risks of stock trading. As a dummy investor, it is necessary that one should know-

Stock market operations
The right stocks to invest in
Risk management and
Relationship management with the brokers and clients

These are just some of the factors that will enable easy stock market trading. Moreover, guidance for stock market operations can be taken through stock market consultants, who can advise the dummy investors about the right stocks to invest in.

What is a Stock Market?

The stock market is the place where the trading of stocks and bonds takes place. This trading involves the buying and selling of stocks that enable investors to make a profit. In the stock market investors gain information about price fluctuations, Depending on the difference in prices investors can make profit or incur losses. However, not every investor is sure about market conditions. In order to gain better understanding of price fluctuations and the right stocks to be sold at a particular price, the services of a stock broker are essential as he advises about the right time to invest in stocks. If you are a dummy investor, following certain tips about stock market operations will enable you configure your place in the stock market. These tips are as follows-

Stock quotes - Before investing in any stocks, it is necessary to read the stock quotes as they enable an understanding of what the stocks are and what their price, is.

Stock brokers - These are the professionals of the stock market who enable investors to have first hand knowledge of the stocks that are to be bought and sold. Moreover the stock broker enables the investor to choose from the stock options that are available to the investor.

Price control mechanism - Through the buying and selling of stocks the stock market regulates the overall price mechanism, which has an impact on the overall economy of a country. Most stock markets around the world are independent of government control.

How do dummies figure their way through the stock market?

Stock trading is not as hard as it looks. As an amateur you have to make your presence felt on the stock market through which other investors will be able contact you. The following points will enable dummy traders to better knowledge of trading stocks:-

Choosing a broker- Choosing the right stock broker is essential for you in order to invest in the right stocks.

Risk management- Try to maximize your profits by investing in stocks that your business exclusively deals in.

Build a Portfolio- Building a balanced portfolio is absolutely necessary in order to have a good business profile.

Therefore stock trading can be easily figured through knowing the workings of the stock market and utilizing the services of the stock broker. However as a dummy investor, it is necessary to manage risks so as to enable better investment strategies.

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Stock Market Entering a New Bull Market

My take on the stock market changed last week, because I started to buy and recommend some stocks, something I haven't done in a long time. The economy is still bad and I don't see any signs of a real recovery yet and certainly not a sustainable economic expansion, but it appears that the stock market is just going to keep going higher anyway. I do not need to know why to make money. You make money in the market by staying aligned with the market trend until the market proves you wrong. And it looks like the overall intermediate-term trend is up.

Being overbought right now doesn't matter.

The stock market is entering a confirmed cyclical bull market. That's a big thing for me to say when I've been calling this a bear market since October 2007 and even during the past few months, but last week changed my views. I'll explain why in a second.

First you have to understand that cyclical bull markets are different than secular bull markets, because they do not lead to all time highs, but are big 8-24 month moves within a secular trading range, like you saw after the bottoms in 1974 and 2002. Once the bull market ends the market averages then go back down towards the secular lows or go into some sort of sideways trading range.

Overall such a market is tough for investors in mutual funds over the long-term, because they end up holding for big losses at times and then just sit there and make their losses back when things turn around only to lose them again. While the typical buy and hold forever guy just spins his wheels money is made either trading the averages or by buying individual stocks outperforming the market averages instead of trying to buy the market as a whole.

I have no idea how long the bull market will last or how high the market will go from here.

What I do know is that it will provide an opportunity to finally make a lot of money in individual stocks in a easier fashion than we've experienced over the past year and a half and do not worry if you are not long you haven't missed anything, because the money to be made isn't in chasing the market averages higher, but in individual stocks when they line up to go up.

There is only one S&P 500 to buy, one DOW, and one NASDAQ, so yeah if you want to get the ETF's it is easy to "miss out." But with individuals stocks there are literally thousands of ones to choose from and the risk to reward is better in them. With ETF's to make HUGE money you really need to go on margin hence the popularity of the ultra-ETF's, but with individual stocks there is need to margin yourself to make a good return, because when you buy the right ones it is easy to make big gains in them.

In fact you see it happen all of the time. For example one stock I bought last week rallied over 14% on Friday alone. I'm sure you may have a stock you don't own that you wish you bought. Don't worry about individual stocks and missing out, because there is always another one around the corner. Never chase anything.

Let's look at the stock market and what has caused me to change my view of it.

In the Fall of 2007 I started to point out all of these signs that we were probably in a bear market. Then in December 2007 I said the bear market was now confirmed by the 150 and 200-day moving averages.

In bear markets these moving averages act as resistance and in bull markets they act as support. However, if the moving averages peak and start to turn down and the market stays below them for more than six weeks then you are in a confirmed bear market. In fact this is my DEFINITION of a bear market - not some fixed percentage the stock market has to go down, but the overall price action of the bear market, which the moving averages make totally clear.

You can turn this around too though - if the moving averages are acting as resistance and then start to flatten out and the market goes above it and stays above it for more than six weeks then you are beginning a bull market during which the moving average will become support.

This is exactly what we have seen happen in the past few weeks. At the March lows I thought the market was oversold and we were going to get a bear market rally that would eventually fizzle out and lead to new lows. Since you want to stay aligned with the big trend to make money and I thought that was still down I tried to short several times only to get stopped out. I also had no fear of being wrong about the market in the sense of "missing out" on a rally, because I know that in a bull market the big money is made in individual sectors and stocks and not the market averages.

When it came to them what I saw by June were lots of sectors that looked like they may have bottomed, but were just going to go sideways for the next several months if that were the case anyway. If the market were really bullish they would provide good entry points then. That's where we are at the moment actually.

By June though after getting stopped out on the short side a few times I started to wonder if I was on the wrong side of things, but still thought even if I was we'd still get a nice correction. The market started June above the 200-day moving average. I said that if it stayed above it for six weeks then the action would be confirmation that all of the people saying we are in a bull market are right. However, if it fell below it and then went into the 800-850 range by early August then they would probably be wrong and we should expect to eventually see the lows of March test or broken in the Fall.

We got one down to the 870 area on the S&P 500 at the start of this month and it looked like the correction could last even longer. But then the market held that support level and rallied straight up to make a new high last week. The strength of that rally last week is what has changed my views from being bearish to seeing this as a cyclical bull market. The S&P 500 has been above its 200-day moving average now for six weeks.

To me this is a confirmation moment just as the price action in December of 2007 confirmed that we were in a bear market this price action confirms that we are in some sort of bull market. Yeah I didn't get in on the March low, but almost everyone who was bullish in March were bullish throughout most of last year two and held all of the way down in fear of "missing out".

Back in 2007 I pointed out how the moving averages were saying we were in a confirmed bear market to people and had dozens of people get angry and give me a list of reasons why this couldn't be so. Some said the Fed would never allow the market to drop. They noted that they were lowering rates like crazy. People on CNBC said we were just in a short-correction. The economy seemed to be fine. I don't want to name names, because this one guy threatens lawsuits against anyone who says anything critical, but one famous name would say it is a bull market and if you sell you'll miss out on everything so a lot of people were simply scared death that if they sold they would miss out on gains.

But the market action is all that mattered then. And it is all that matters now. I'm not going to make the same mistake that the people who denied the bear market did myself right now. Who knows why it is going up - it just is. It could be that the stock market is looking at the coming bottom in real estate prices a year from now and is going up ahead of some positive GDP quarters. It could just be the Fed is printing so much money. Who knows, until the trend is over it is what the cause is. There is simply more money going into stocks than going out.

And you may not know it, but I've wanted to get bullish on the market for a long time. I've been looking forward to going long individual stocks, because a lot more money can be made in them then in playing the ETF's - which had been my primary strategy for making money in the stock market since the bear market started - and is one I am now abandoning.

As long as the market is in a cyclical bull market the money to be made is in individual sectors and individual stocks. We really don't need the market to go up a whole lot to make money in them. It is tough to really tell how high the market may go up or for how long, but my guess is that we'll at least see it go up into the first quarter of 2010 and we could easily see the S&P 500 go into the 1150-1250 by then. 1150 would be a 50% retracement of the high of the Fall 2007 and the March 2009 low after that who knows. In the 1970's the market traded all of the way back up to its secular highs after the 1974 bear market thanks to huge inflation. If we get a ton of inflation in a year or two from now something similar to the 1970's could be in the cards.

Or we could just go up for a year from here and then start a new bear market in a double dip recession as interest rates go up back up.

Truth is you really cannot predict those kinds of things. All you can do is invest along with the overall trend of the market and adapt when it is clear that the overall trend has changed. You don't need to get in or out at exact tops. If you got out of the bear market in December of 2007 you would have saved yourself a lot of money. And the same thing is true here, even though I didn't go long in March on the bottom by adapting to what the market is saying - and is making clear to us - we can still make a lot of money for at least the next year by going long in individual stocks poised to outperform the stock market. Some of them will go up huge.

So this is now an exciting time in the stock market and should be a lot more fun than the past year and a half. Even though I personally made a lot of money last year it is much easier to make money in a bull market in stocks than shorting or market timing.

For more subscribe to my free stock trading newsletter with a focus on stock picks that are poised to double in value.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Stock Market and Investing Myths Part 2 - Five MORE Investment Myths Exposed!

In Part 1 of this series on investment myths I exposed 5 commonly held beliefs about investing that are preventing many people from making as much money as they could with their investments. They are:

The stock market must go up to make money.
Stock market investing is risky.
Over 20 years the stock market always goes up.
The best way to make money in stocks is to buy and hold.
News and research groups have the hot stock picks.

I dispelled each of these myths and explained that they are the result of miseducation. The problem with miseducation is it leads to false understanding of the truth, and as many people have learned over the last year in the world of investing, not knowing the truth can be financially devastating.

In this article I am going to expose 5 more myths about the world of stocks and investing and share with you how you can not only correct your mistaken understandings but also profit from your new knowledge.

Myth #1: Investing in Stocks is Like Gambling

The myth that investing in stocks is like gambling is one of the oldest, most pervasive myths surrounding the stock market. In fact many people do not even realize they hold this belief. Yet unknowingly it appears in their words when they say things like, "You're betting the stock will go down" or "You're betting the stock will go up."

The idea that a smart investor is betting is ludicrous. Yet it has crept into an uneducated public to the point that many religious groups and social networks opposed to gambling have led their followers to believe the stock market is so riddled with gambling one would be better off playing the lottery. In fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The real fallacy here is the assumption that the investor is betting. As one who spends his life in the investment community, let me assure you no smart investor would ever bet. Betting is the exact opposite of what investors do. Investors spend their life learning and educating themselves about the investment they are about to make. Then they proceed to invest, trusting that their education was correct. If the investment goes against the investor, the honest investor still will not say, "I bet wrong." The honest investor will say, "What can I learn from this?"

Anyone who proceeds into any area of life without being properly educated could be seen as a gambler. But the more appropriate term would be foolish. To illustrate this point, let's take a person learning to drive a car. If the person has never ever driven a vehicle before, they may assert, "Since lots of people do it, so can I." But the foolishness comes when the person gets behind the wheel of a car and attempts to drive without first learning anything about driving a car. We could easily say that this person was gambling with his life, but the truth is it's simply foolishness.

Investing in the stock market is the same way. Millions of people hear how large amounts of money are made in the market. They see ads on television for cheap stock brokers, and one day think, "I can do that too." Truth is they CAN do it too-but only after they learn HOW to do it. For the educated investor, putting money into the stock market is an educated, analytical, thoughtful decision. And yet for the uneducated investor doing the same action is... well, foolish. Becoming educated first is the best way to successfully invest in the stock market. Myth: BUSTED

Myth #2: "Predicting" the Stock Market Is Impossible

On the heels of the assumption that investing in the stock market is gambling comes a follow-up myth: "Predicting the stock market is impossible." Again this fallacy comes down to the lack of education. For YOU to predict the stock market may be impossible, but not specifically for every person. In fact since the beginning of the stock market many investors around the world have successfully "predicted" the next moves. The author of this article is one of them (that would be me!). Predicting the stock market is not nearly as mystical as one might think. In fact the market moves in very predictable, repeating patterns, over and over again. And once a person is trained to watch and recognize those patterns, that person can also predict the next move with reasonable certainty. Myth: BUSTED

Myth #3: Mutual Funds Are the Safest Way to Make Money in the Stock Market

I suppose to dispel this next myth one must define what "safe" is. My definition of "safe" in regards to investing is an investment that has the ability to be profitable, not because of market conditions but in spite of market conditions. In other words, if the market goes up, I want an investment that can make money. If the market goes down, I want an investment that can make money. Yet mutual funds are not one of those investments. It boggles my mind as to why financial advisors continue to sell these investment vehicles to unknowing would-be retirees. It's an investment that can ONLY make money if the market moves higher. And to cover the weakness of the investment the sales pitch goes like this, "Over 20 years the market always goes higher..." Well what if I need to retire in 19 years and that's not an up year?

To me the most foolish investment a person can make is one that is confined to profit by the direction of the market. As such I believe mutual funds to not only be a poor choice for a safe investment, but I consider a mutual fund a very risky investment. If you do not believe me, just ask the majority of Americans who have lost about 50% of their retirement recently how things are working out for them and if they feel mutual funds are a safe, secure choice for investing. Myth: BUSTED

Myth #4: A 24% Annual Growth Is an Outstanding Return

Okay... I'll give you this one. Twenty-four percent annual rate of return is exceptional-if you're used to putting your money in a bank savings account. But a smart investor would never tie his/her money up for an entire year just to make a 24% return! Can you imagine any investor who would be willing to put up venture capital for a business that only promises 24% on the money? Of course you can't! And the stock market should be no different. In fact that's kind of what you're doing when you invest in the market. You're lending investment capital to the company while they continue to do business. But I guarantee you their business is bringing in more than 24% profit each year. The odds are that business is bringing in close to 100-200% profit EACH MONTH! And if you're fronting capital, you certainly deserve your fair share of that profit.

Mutual funds and investment services are loaded down with fees, transaction costs, and sales bonuses for the people who get you to give up your money for them to invest. And they get paid even if they do lose money-and YOU are the one who pays for all of it. By the end of the year, you're lucky if you have 24% left over. And those sales people who are getting paid from you? Well their job is to sell you the idea that 24% is a great return.

I myself would never make such an investment. When I place trades in the market I look for steady monthly cash flows that amount to a return that would stagger your mind if I told you. And ALL smart investors look for the same type of return. How much? Hmmm, let's just say investors think in terms of monthly returns, not annual returns, and we'll leave it at that. Myth: BUSTED

Myth #5: Learning to Make Money in the Stock Market Takes Years of Education

Of all the myths I dispel, this is probably the saddest. It's sad because people truly believe they are unable to learn how to make great monthly income in the market. They ask questions like, "Well, if it's so simple why isn't everyone doing it?" This is probably the most logical and natural question. The only answer I have is, "They don't know how." But I have seen hundreds of my own students learn to make consistent money in the stock market after only 2-3 months of focused training. How much training? Generally 4-8 hours a week. That's less time than the average American spends trying to build a network marketing business that seems to go nowhere.

The truth about investing is this: successful investing comes down to nothing more and nothing less than education. For the person who takes the time and spends the energy to learn, becoming a successful investor is not that far out of sight. In fact I believe pretty much anybody can learn how to successfully invest in the stock market in a year or less.

Just think-one year! That's less time than it has taken for most Americans to watch their stock portfolios fall while trusting the "all-knowing" financial advisors. One year-that's less time than it takes to earn a master's degree. One year-that's all it would take for a person like you to learn how to invest successfully as well. Myth: BUSTED

I hope you have seen how these 10 myths may have helped form your ideas of the stock market as a risky place to invest. I hope next time you hear your favorite Uncle Jimmy, or some announcer on TV, perpetuate these myths you will be quick to dismiss them as such and say to yourself, "I know better!"

How to Learn More

If what you have just read makes sense to you and you'd like to learn more, the best place to start is Trade Smart University's free workshop called the Foundations of Stocks and Options You don't want to miss this free online workshop!

Jeremy Whaley is co-founder of Trade Smart University, an education company dedicated to helping everyday people learn to trade the stock market for consistent profits. If you would like to learn how to trade your own money for steady profits, visit and experience affordable, accessible stock market education.

Risk in Stock Market - Stock Market Risk Management

Risk in the stock market is everywhere. Investing in the stock market is fraught with worry, for good reason. If you lose half of your investment, you must double your return to just breakeven. Warren Buffett, considered by many to be the world's greatest investor, states his first rule of investing is "do not lose money." Unfortunately, the risk in the stock market of losing your money is always a possibility. However, without taking some risk there is no reward. Therefore, successful investors employ stock market risk management strategies to minimize their losses. Managing risk in stock market starts with identifying the type of risk and taking action to mitigate the impact of the risk on your investment portfolio.

Risk in the stock market comes in many forms and each can lead to a loss. The most common is the overall trend of the market. Approximately 60 % of the move of an individual stock is attributed to the trend of the stock market. If the stock market is rising, it takes with it most of the other stocks, though not in equal amounts. When the stock market falls, stocks sink with it.

Another big risk in stock market lies with owning an individual stock. While owning the stock of a company can offer greater rewards, it also entails the risk that something might go wrong that can cut the price of the company's shares in half. It might be news that sales have suddenly fallen due to a new competitor, or a product liability issue has arisen. For whatever the reason, individual stocks are subject to risk associated to them alone.

While there are other risks in the stock market, these encompass the vast majority of the ones you will encounter. Fortunately, investors can employ several strategies as a part of their stock market risk management program.

First, they can invest with the trend of the market. Following the trend is a proven method, though it is not as easy as it sounds. Trend following tries to identify and then align with the underlying trend of the market. The assumption is the market will be in a trend that could last a day, a week, a month a year or multiple years. Generally, short-term trends cycle within longer term trends. Depending on your time frame, you can align your stock position with the trend once you have identified it. When you follow the trend, you are able to reduce the likelihood your stock will fall when the market trend is rising.

Another proven risk management strategy for owning stocks is to diversify your portfolio across several different companies, sectors, and asset classes. By owning several different stocks, you reduce the impact of a loss in any one company. Moreover, if the stocks you own are from several different industry sectors you mitigate the impact of any one sector have causing a loss. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) offer an excellent way to add diversity to your portfolio as they hold shares of companies based on an index. The index can be for the whole market, or any segment of the market. When using ETFs, be sure there is sufficient liquidity (plenty of shares trading) or you will create another unwanted risk.

Many investors size their stock position based on their tolerance for risk. Dr. Van K. Tharp performed an experiment on position sizing in his book Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom. As Dr, Tharp found adjusting the size of your stock position using percent risk or volatility greatly increases your returns. By adjusting the size of your position based on the risk, you are willing to assume, you lower your potential of a loss and increase your probability of solid gains.

Should the price of your stock turn down, wouldn't it be nice if you could exit your position before the price fell further. Stop loss or trailing stops are tools used by many investors to close their position should the price fall by a specified amount. Most brokerage firms allow the use of stops using a set number of points below the price or a percent below the price. Trailing stops follow the price up by an amount you set and then hold that price level on any turn down. The idea of this stock market risk management technique is to leave enough room for the stock price to fluctuate within its up trend, but be ready to sell should it fall below a pre-determined level. Some investors use mental stops, which work well as long as they have the self-discipline to sell when their stop price is hit.

Many people believe equity options are risky investments. It is true that options can be risky as they increase your use of leverage. However, professional investors use certain options to reduce the risk of their portfolios. Covered call options are an excellent way to create some down side protection while increasing the potential return of your portfolio. Covered calls are suitable for IRA accounts, indicating that the authorities consider them a low risk investment strategy. Protective put options are another method to lower risk of a portfolio. Similar to insurance, protective puts provide security should your long positions suddenly fall in price. When that happens the put option guarantees you will receive the agreed upon price for your stock no matter how far it falls.

Managing risk in stock market is a matter of doing all you can to avoid losing money. Fortunately, there are several strategies to help you to achieve this important goal. The most successful investors employ all of stock market risk management strategies that recognize how important it is to avoid making a mistake while investing in the stock market. Do your portfolio a favor and use the available stock market risk management techniques to your advantage.

Retirement And the Stock Market


Using the Stock Market to Plan for Retirement The stock market can be a powerful investment tool, especially if you're planning on making long-term investments. Using the stock market as an unofficial benchmark, a recession would have begun in March 2000 when the NASDAQ crashed following the collapse of the Dot-com bubble. Using The Stock Market So, to grow your invested money beyond the rate of inflation, you need to consider using the stock markets---and there is a lot to consider. Despite this, if you're looking for a way to make plans for your eventual retirement you might want to set aside some of your mistrust for the market's instability and consider using the stock market as a tool for planning your retirement.


Market volatility has recently surged; investors have had to hold on and try to figure out what this means. Market gladly pays more than their value, and when stocks fall he will unload stocks for much less than their worth. The stock market even in the United States is neither a significant source of finance for new investment nor a means of disciplining the managers of firms. In the past, the only thing the general public knew about investing in the stock market was to call their broker now it is a whole new ballgame with investors able to do their trading online. In the past, the only thing the general public knew about investing in the stock market was to call their broker. Students are learning about the market as well with the aid of The Stock Market Game.


Stock options, 401(k) plans, mutual funds, and other investments may be available to you through your workplace; check with your employer to see if any company-sponsored investment plans can help you to meet your investment for retirement goals. Stock Market Matrix Returns depend upon the starting and ending point. Stock Market Returns & Volatility this analysis presents an uncanny relationship between stock market performance and the volatility of the market. Stock market prices have averaged 10% annual growth in value for over one hundred years.

Doubling Stocks

Doubling Stocks is a website offering penny stock picks that come to light by the use of a stock-trading robot named Marl, which is from a combination of the names of the owners: Mike and Carl. Doubling Stocks offers a weekly newsletter featuring picks which they claim are being bringing consistent returns averaging 80%+. Doubling Stocks not only offers a full refund guarantee, they also offer to start allow subscribers to start trading the stock recommendations with $50 of Free Money. Doubling Stocks is not a system to end all systems for trading penny stocks.


A second consideration is that using the stock markets will require you to be more active in looking after your money than you have to be with interest paying investments. Your best insurance against the risks of using the stock markets is to educate yourself and pick the approaches, strategies, and stocks that best fit your goals and your level of risk tolerance. If you are armed with the right information, by using the Stock market quotes yourself, you will be in a better position to take the right risks at the right time.

To learn more on using the Stock Market to your FULL advantage go to [http://BESTDOUBLINGSTOCKS.INFO]

Timing the Stock Market

Most individuals will lose money, over time, buying and selling stocks. A fundamental mistake most people make is the notion that the stock market will continually rise. Technically it will, but there are time restraints for most people in the simple fact that none of us live indefinitely and depending on when the stock market goes through one of its corrections can negatively impact our portfolio.If you are under the age of 50 (as an example) and the market goes through a severe correction, more than likely you still have enough time for your portfolio to recover until retirement, assuming it never goes through another correction in your lifetime. How about if you are in your 60's and the market corrects itself? Chances are you will never recoup the losses that you incur.

A second mistake most people make when purchasing stocks is that they never have an exit strategy. Probably more important than buying a stock is knowing when to sell a stock. I learned a long time ago to never fall in love with any stock because eventually it will break your heart.You may have done your due diligence in researching a stock, but there are forces at work that may limit the ability of a particular stock to move in a positive direction. Some, but not all stocks are manipulated by Wall street. Many times a stock is over hyped by analysts and brokerage houses in an effort to get people to buy the stock and drive up the price. Once the stock reaches a certain price, the Wall street insiders then sell their shares and the rest of us are left with a stock that starts to decline. The problem for most people is that they generally get into a stock after its made it big climb only to then see the price drop. It is the old buy high-sell low mentality; a sure strategy for losing money in the stock market.I have read in more than one source that 70 percent of stocks move in the direction that the overall market is moving, so if you have a stock with great fundamentals and the market is declining, guess what? Your great stock is probably declining as well. Additionally, 20 percent of the movement of a stock is based on the sector that it is in (eg: transportation, health care, banking, etc.), so if your sector is not doing well then chances are your stock will not as well.Lastly, 10 percent of a stocks movement is based on the true fundamentals of a stock, but those fundamentals can be skewed by management of a given company as well as the brokerage houses and the analysts.Back in the mid 1990's everyone was a stock picking genius.

It seemed every stock you purchased did nothing but go up. Then in 2000-2002 reality set in. Most people who were in the stock market without an exit strategy suffered severe losses. At that point many people vowed to never play the stock market again. What happened in 2003? The market soared again, but of course those with a sour taste for stocks either did not get in or got in after the big run up to end up either making very little money or no money at all. Once again, the buy high-sell low strategy came into play.So, what are you supposed to do? You could buy mutual funds where "supposedly" your money is professionally managed to avoid these corrections.

The problem here is two-fold. One, these funds have managerial fees which take away from your profits and two, perhaps even more important, during the downturn from 2000-2002, mutual funds in general also performed poorly.The problem we all face is that we are looking for a place to invest our money and after considering all options it would seem the stock market offers better opportunities than other investment vehicles. If you are going to invest in the stock market, as I said before, you must have an exit strategy to protect your assets.One option is timing the market.

You will read every where that you cannot time the stock market. Truthfully, no one can predict which way the market will go on any given day. BUT, there are ways to see trends in the market, either up or down (and sometimes sideways). Once you are able to identify these trends you can have your money in the market when it is going up and have your money sitting safely on the sidelines when the market is going down.Over the last ten years I have looked at a number of stock market timing systems. None of them will get you into the market at the exact bottom, nor will they get out at the top, but they will get you in and out somewhere in between so that you can walk away with a profit and most of them will have you out of the market when it is correcting itself.

Active trading like this gives the average investor a tremendous advantage over the person who buys a stock then "hopes for the best".My suggestion is to do an internet search for "stock market timing" and take a look at the various programs out there. Look at their track record, consider how many times they have you switching in and out of the market (you do not want to be jumping in and out every few days) and the cost for the service.Find one that meets your investing needs and give it a try. You will find that you are able to sleep much better at night.

A serious stock market enthusiast just offering "one man's opinion."

Stock Market

Stock market---the very word sets many a million hearts racing with increased flow of adrenalin. Stock market is a public market and is a medium for buying and selling of company stocks. This business of trading in stocks can bring about a huge profit for the individuals staking large amounts on stock with a view to incur huge profits as the stock price increases and they are able to sell off their stocks at the increased price.

We find novices staking their life's income and wise young service holders risking huge sums in the stock market with the sole intention of doubling and tripling their money. Stock market is looked upon as a medium of incurring monetary gains in an easy way. But obviously, what people tend to forget is that it is a very volatile market and it is very much susceptible to the economic ups and downs; and putting money in the stock market is no less than a gamble involving unprecedented risks.

Stocks are traded and trading information is distributed by professionals through stock exchanges. These stock exchanges thus can be labeled as market places facilitating the exchange of securities and providing real time stock prices. These markets can be real or virtual. The New York Stock Exchange is a good example of a physical exchange while NASDAQ is an example of virtual listed exchange.

A few years ago, stock markets did not enjoy this inadvertent popularity as it does today. Somehow the global economy has played a vital role in calling a considerable amount of attention for the stock market concept. Now you would find stock traders in almost every nook and corner; be it a metropolitan or a small sleepy township; be it an MNC employee earning in lakhs per month or a petty government service holder struggling to make two ends meet; whether a retired professional investing huge amount of time and effort in studying the market upheavals or full-time workers hooked on to computers busily e-trading via Internet even during peak office hours.

Nowadays, you will find mobile alerts with trading advice in individual's cell phones every morning as soon as the stock market opens, you will also find banks facilitating the opening of d-mat accounts for its clients through which you can trade in stocks, also special TV channels dedicated to market studies and even financial experts airing special programs guiding the laymen as to which company shares should be given priority over which others.

Recently, there had been quite a bit of hue and cry over market collapse and sudden economic crash resulting in huge fall in stock prices and shares nose-diving underwater. Millions of people lost huge sums of money. But it is heartening to see that the economy is reviving and stock markets are coming back to life, gradually. The present scenario spells a bit of stability for the stock market. But while the stock market is still recuperating from its shocking crash, the stock holders are still going through a wary phase and are even now pretty much unsure about whether to put in more money in stocks, and are also uncertain about issues like where to put their money and how much to put.

In other words, the stock market concept, with all its pros and cons, have successfully extended its fangs in almost every household and is luring more and more people into its grip everyday by extending a tantalizing feel of generating easy money.

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Stock Market Investing

Stock Market Fortune - Learn How To Make A Fortune In The Stock Market

Learning how to make a fortune in the stock market is something that anyone can do as long as you have the correct foundation. Here are the seven stock market fortune rules that are the core principles of a very profitable trading system called phase trading.

Stock Market Fortune Fact: 75% - 80% of all stocks move in the overall direction of the market.

With most stocks following the overall market direction, why don't you let the market make you money? The easiest way to make a fortune in the stock market would then be to only trade with the long-term direction of the stock market. Don't try to fight the market, but let the market help you make you money.

Stock Market Fortune Rule #1 - Make faster and larger profits by investing with the market in both bull and bear markets. If you are not utilizing bear market to make additional profits it's like leaving money on the table.

Stock Market Fortune Rule #2 - Fully utilize the power of compounding to enhance your gains exponentially. You won't see the benefit on a single trade, but add up multiple profitable trades and you will start to see the power. Even Albert Einstein called the principle of compounding interest the "Eighth wonder of the world".

Stock Market Fortune Rule #3 - Invests only in stocks that have the largest potential for huge gains. Stick with high volume stocks that move in phases for the safest and largest profits.

Stock Market Fortune Rule #4 - Eliminate emotional buying and selling of stocks. This leads to buying and selling too early or too late, which is the biggest reason why people lose big in the stock market.

Stock Market Fortune Rule #5 - Don't over diversify your portfolio. This is one of the biggest mistakes that people do without realizing the harm that it causes. Your portfolio diversity should be based on risk vs. reward not just a pure number of stocks you want to have. Would you like to trade only the best super high performing stocks if for every $1.00 lost you would gain $4.00?

Stock Market Fortune Rule #6 - Let your winners run. This is the golden rule of successful investing. You might not think it, but it is the hardest part emotionally to follow. It's very easy to see a stock move up nicely. On the other side of the coin, how bad it feels when a stock takes a short-term stumble. Not fully knowing it will come back up or not. This is when it gets very difficult to keep your faith in a stock. If you sell now you could be missing an even bigger run right around the corner.

Stock Market Fortune Rule #7 - Sell your losers and don't dwell on them. As long as you are following your system and didn't let your emotions take over. Remember that no system is 100% correct all the time. Keep focused on the longer-term success of a system rather than individual trades.

If you precisely follow these seven stock market rules you can successfully eliminate the majority of the most common mistakes that traders make. With this information you should be on your way to making a fortune in the stock market.

If you would like to learn more about investing in the stock market [] that uses these rules then please visit: [] for more exciting information. Be sure to check out our stock market information [] webpage for more articles and stock market resources.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Stock Market Investing and Trading Tools - What is Stock Market Metadata?

What Is Stock Metadata?

Simply stated, metadata is data about data. And when properly understood and interpreted, stock market metadata, also simply referred to as stock metadata, can help you picture what's happening with a company's stock. So if there's a trading trend developing, one of the tools you can use to spot a trend as it moves along would be stock market metadata.

Working with Stock Metadata?

When you go online, you find vast varieties of stock charts, current and historical stock market results, and an increasing number of online news sources. But finding anything on stock metadata is challenging.

In order to get more of a feel how this type of information can be used, consider any of the following scenarios:

You are planning to buy shares in a company and you want to have an idea during what 15-minute period of the trading day do shares statistically trade at their lowest points
You want to sell your shares and you want to have an idea of the best time of the day to execute your trade
You want to know the iterations of the various price range differences for a stock to help you time your trade and get a price that's advantageous to you
You want to buy or sell a large block of shares and you want to see a breakdown of the different times of the day when the volume of shares traded for certain stock is both at its highest and lowest

Answers to these and many other questions can be found by going online and searching for it. I use Google and look either for the terms stock market metadata or stock metadata which returns links to all of the pertinent information. Stock metadata reports are unique. For example, you can easily see the relationships that exist between the Open and Close values of stock prices for the day. You can also see what the values are for the other days, day after day.

These reports can cover a specific date range for the company being featured. And, with the availability of multiple arrays of values for the different group categories within each of the arrays, there's more than a sufficient amount of data there to complete a thorough analysis. This is easy to see when you look at a report.

Used as an analysis tool, stock metadata can also be used to show market trading activity for shares covering 15-minute blocks of time. Statistically speaking, you can quickly see.

Time periods when highest and lowest prices were reached
Time periods when highest and lowest trading volumes were reached

It also provides clear answers to questions spanning any period of time (days, months or years) like:

How many times during each of the 15-minute periods during normal trading hours have shares traded at the high of the day?
How about at the low of the day?
What times of the day recorded the highest volume of trades?
How about the lowest volume of trades?

Why is this type of information important? Statistically speaking, it identifies the potential best time of the day to buy or sell shares. When you learn to use stock market metadata, you come to realize that:

History tends to repeat itself
Numbers don't lie, and
The trend is your friend.

Previously, the general public has not been able to easily locate a viable source of stock metadata and stock market metadata. Now that has been changing. When you do a search for either of those specific terms, you're sure to find the information presented from the source sites or through links to articles written about this topic.

Look for sites that also present features on companies being traded on the major North American stock exchanges. This includes numerous links to key sources of standard stock market information as well as including a selection of stock market metadata reports.

When you choose to examine a featured company, make sure links included are to some of the best available online sites of key stock market information. Do they also have stock metadata reports for each company being feature there by them?

Look for reports that are published every day of the week, Monday to Friday. Typically, the standard report titles as listed below, also have corresponding links to site pages that explain and describe the content of each of the reports.

Daily Historical Metadata Detail
Daily Historical Metadata Summary
15-minute Metadata Detail
15-minute Metadata Summary
15-minute Hi-Low Counts

Does Using Stock Metadata Work?

Stock charts present graphical images about a company's stock performance. There are multiple patterns to learn about. These must be understood and correctly interpreted. This can get quite complicated. And when used properly, they can be quite effective for stock trading and investing purposes.

The advantage of stock metadata is that it uses something that you have been using all of your life: numbers. If you know how to do simple addition and subtraction, and you know how to count, then you can use and understand metadata.

Some people even boast of using stock metadata to predict price results. Check out the following link to the Yahoo! message board for Morgan Stanley stock.

It was submitted after lunch on Friday, October 9, 2009, to this Yahoo! message board in regards to the closing price of the day of Morgan Stanley shares. It was developed using specific selection criteria against the Daily Historical Metadata Detail report for MS shares from stock metadata reports available online for people to use. As you read the entry, you'll see that if Bulls ruled at the end of the day, the prediction was the stock would close at 32.18. Well MS actually ended the day at 32.09 but a few seconds later after closing, the first transaction in after-hours trading was at, are you ready for this, 32.18. Talk about making a good prediction. I'll let you be the judge.

Stan Pokutylowicz

Stock-Market-Keywords was set up with the purpose of presenting some frequently used keywords and keyword terms with corresponding links used by people online to learn about the stock market. The topic of Stock Market Metadata (also referred to as Stock Metadata) was added shortly after the first major construction phase of the site had been completed.

Know The Stock Markets - Say Hello To Profits

The stock market is like a gregarious, uncertain beast - you can never predict which turn it's going to take or which direction it is headed for. Having said that, let us also admit that the stock market is one of the most exciting markets in the world that can make your fortunes if you play it right.

And, if you want to play the stock market right, you have to figure out how it ticks. Here then are basics and fundamentals of a stock market that will clue you on:

What Is A Stock Market?

A stock market is a trading place where you can buy and sell stock (shares) issued by a company. Alternatively, you can also trade in several derivative products, which are basically financial instruments in the form of contracts, where the parties to the contract agree to exchange payments based on the value of a share at a future date.

Stock Market Trading Explained

Many individuals and entities trade in the stock market. Small investors, day traders who square up their transactions on the same day, investment/financial companies, banks, hedge funds, individuals with a high net worth, institutions, mutual funds - all are involved in stock market trading.

These individuals and entities place their buy or sell orders through a market intermediary, called the stockbroker. Majority of the transactions are routed through a network of computers that execute orders in a matter of seconds.

Stock Market Strategies

In the stock market, you can buy and sell the stocks you own. Besides this, there are several strategies such as short-selling, which means you do not own the stock, but sell it nevertheless (by borrowing it from your broker at a fee) because you feel its price is going to drop - and when the price does drop, you buy it back. Plus, you can buy or sell stocks at a future date if you trade in the derivatives market. Then, you can also indulge in margin buying, which in simple terms means you borrow money to buy stocks, thereby exposing yourself to debt.

Stock Market Index

The stock market index is a value, determined by the stock exchange authorities, that reflects the market's movement. This value is based on a handful of high-volume and reputed stocks - these are weighed and a number is given to them. This number or value fluctuates according to the movement in the prices of these stocks and this is what indices such as the Dow Jones, the NASDAQ, the S & P (Standard & Poor) are all about.

Methods That Influence Investment Decisions

There are two methods that can influence investment decisions in a stock market: (i) Fundamental analysis is a method, wherein the companies past and current performance is analyzed along with the factors that will affect its future profitability. Medium-long term investors invest on the basis of fundamental analysis. (ii) Technical analysis is another method that studies the correlation of price and volumes over a span of time and then gives a buy or a sell signal on the basis of this correlation.

There, those were basics of the stock market. If you want to trade successfully, then you have to understand how the stock market works, because there is no other way, no other shortcut. Happy trading.

Stock Markets If you want to discover your pot of gold in the stock market, then you have to know it inside out. And for all the inside-out information on the stock market explained in simple, concise, layman terms, all you need to do is click on this link: Stock Markets Explained. Learn about Stock Prices And Quotes Simple enough, huh?

How to Play the Stock Market With the Day Trading Robot

The Day Trading Robot is a newly released piece of market software that provides you with trading tips for penny stocks. There is no need to learn how to play the stock market. I'm going to go over some of the issues that aren't discussed in the sales copy on the Day Trading Robot sales page. There is really no need to learn to play the stock market, because this software tells you what to do.

The Day Trading Robot is not the first piece of software to provide this information to its users. Stock tip newsletters have been in existence long before the invention of the computer. People have always been looking for tips to learn how to play the stock market.

Individuals are always looking for methods to get ahead, to profit more in and to increase their short run performance in the stock market. The Day Trading Robot is the latest product that has been developed to meet that huge demand.

The software pulls information from the stock market to create a stock chart of each stock over the last week of trading. Then these charts are compared to specially encoded patterns in the trading. The robot actually learns how to play the stock market on its own.

After digging through all of the claims and flashy salesmanship, we reach the real issue. The Day Trading Robot is a tool that helps greatly with the technical analysis of stocks.

The analysis of stocks is not the sole property of the Day Trading Robot. Share traders, day traders and options traders all perform technical studies and even low risk mutual fund handlers to assist in deciding where to commit their revenue.

It is the ability of the Day Trading Robot to learn from its mistakes and improve over time that allows it to claim its superiority. It is constantly learning how to play the stock market. It continually compares its forecasting and checks them against the outcomes. The concept is that the trading robot learns from its mistakes and makes better and better selections as time goes on. As stated it actually learns how to play the stock market, pretty impressive.

It may be difficult to accept for many that this software can actually do what the creators say it can do on their sales page. Without having the chance to look under the hood and examine the source code, nobody can really say how it actually works. What they are claiming in the sales copy is technically workable, logical and reasonable to be sure. It is not above the scope of software to learn how to play the stock market.

The creators of the Day Trading Robot have an actual brick-and-mortar office in Miami, Florida. There is actually someone there to answer the phone and you may visit the office if you like. This should be a very reassuring fact, because scammers and swindlers don't bother to have an actual business office.

I know what you're asking-Does Day Trading Robot actually perform?

This is the reason you're reading this right?

Day Trading Robot quarries penny stocks, which entails that a low count of purchasers can have a substantial outcome on their cost.

The software sends out email stock tips to its customers. In all likelihood hundreds of customers inside a couple of weeks of launch receive these tips. Based on this fact alone a Day Trading Robot stock tip could very well go up merely from all of its customers buying the share, regardless if there was going to go up on its own otherwise! Many of these investors probably never learned how to play the stock market, they are just following the advice of the software.

Now the doubters may decide that it's worthwhile signing on for the stock tips, just to make a quick buck from the market distortions made by the Day Trading Robot picks. They may ask themselves. If you know a penny stock is going to rise, why not make a quick buck, right? Why bother to learn how to play the stock market, if you don't have to?

Some may find it difficult to partake in and benefit from the market distortions provided by the Day Trading Robot picks.

The makers of this amazing software package are very confident in his ability to perform and learn how to play the stock market as they say it does, they offer at eight week money back guarantee trial run.

Some may think that during this time the gains that will be noticed are not benefit of software power but rather the volume of buying based from the newsletter it produces. Given that the stock market newsletter is sent out to thousands of the acute traders every week. It's quite difficult to appraise the software's true performance.

Are we really all that concerned that this gain stock prices because of a deft programming or simply because of buying based on the newsletter? A win is a win, regardless of why it happens.

Okay, There's Always a Catch, What Is It?

As you already know, everything has its own downside, so does the Day Trading Robot.

Nobody can control everything.

Without a doubt some of the picks made by the Day Trading Robot are going to be dogs. They'll lose money, maybe every cent of their value, after all, these are penny stocks, and they've been known to do that.

You could lose money from a stock you traded based on a tip from a Day Trading Robot, you could lose all of it.

Even the best traders lose as often as they win - they cut their losses and dump the dogs early and they keep the winners longer so they come out ahead. If you're considering learning how to play the stock market based on advice from this software or any system, take heed to the following precautions:

* Only trade with money you can afford to lose.

* Never place a trade with borrowed cash.

* Develop and follow a strict trading plan, no matter what.

* If you can't even think of having a losing trade then you may want to find another way to earn a living.

Day Trading Robot-What's The Call?

Is this worthy of your hard earned cash?

I imagine the question is, could you bring in more cash from this than it costs you?

Can it save you the time and trouble of learning how to play the stock market?

Because of the eight week free trial, you don't have to guess you can find out on your own.

If you have even a little bit of money a little bit of time to invest in penny stocks, you got nothing to lose because of the trial offer. If you do not bring in at a minimum $100 in your initial 8 weeks, resign from the program. You can try this out at no cost except possibly a bit of your time and maybe a small trading loss.

The reality is, if you don't have little but of extra money available right now, you really shouldn't be considering software like this in the first place.

If you'd like to learn more about the eight week free trial offer for this penny stock trading software click the link below.

Play the Stock Market.

Jackson Stone is an affiliate marketer who enjoys connecting customers with great products. If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about How To Play the Stock Market click the link.

Play the Stock Market [].

Tips For the Beginning Stock Market Investor

New to stock market investing - or just thinking about it? It used to be that investing in stocks was a pursuit for the well-heeled, but some changes to the stock market structure and a growing need for retirement planning have changed that completely. Today, stock investing is for everybody - a necessity to ensure a comfortable retirement, if not a way to get filthy rich.

Of course, if you're actually going to make money investing in stocks, you can't just go in blind and start buying stocks. The scary truth is that there are at least as many losers in the stock markets as there are winners. And despite the fact that we're talking about winning and losing, stock market investing is not a game, and it's not a gamble - or shouldn't be. If you walk into it thinking of investing as 'playing the market', but don't take the time to learn the rules and the tips and tricks of stock investing, you may be in for a sad awakening.

A stock investor needs to understand the market before investing.

Okay, that's not an absolute given. If you can afford it, you can always hand your money over to an investment firm and let them take total control and make your investments for you. But for those people who would like to pick and choose their own stocks, a little homework is an absolute necessity.

You can find a lot of excellent tutorials with stock tips and tricks of the trade online. Learn the definitions and get a basic understanding of how the market works before sinking any money into a stock. Stock exchange terminology can be daunting - and not understanding the terms can cost you some serious money if you make a mistake, so before you start spending money, or even consider which stocks you should invest in, take the time to read up on the basics of investing in stocks.

Stock Analysis - How do you choose stocks?

While there are hundreds of trading "systems" out there, most savvy market investors use one of three methods to choose the stocks in which they invest - fundamental analysis, technical analysis or a blend of the two. The benefits of one over the other are a hotly debated topic in most forums devoted to stock market tips and stock market news, so understanding the differences and relative merits of each is important.

Fundamental analysts choose stocks on the strength of the company in which they are buying shares. Fundamental analysis is a valuable tool for choosing stocks for long term stock market investing.

Technical analysts use charts to look for patterns and signals to tell traders when to buy and sell stocks and other securities in order to maximize their profits. Technical analysis is most often used by traders, who buy and sell stocks in the shorter term rather than buying stocks as a long term investments.

Market Tools for Beginning Investors

Long gone are the days when the only way to get your stock market news was in the morning newspaper. The internet has made it possible - and easy - for anyone with a computer and an internet connection to get up to the second stock exchange quotes, follow your favorite stocks, research possible investment opportunities and get the stock market report on any stock that catches your eye. There are free and premium services that offer stock market quotes in real time - though most of the free services are delayed by twenty minutes or more. Many of these sites also let you pull up financial data, technical charts and company news on your chosen stocks, and will even point out stock picks and offer stock tips.

As a beginning investor, one of the best things that you can do is visit a wide number of stock market report sites, play with the tools offered and read up on tutorials that will help you get familiar with how the stock market and trading works. Once you have a solid grounding in the technical and how-to end of the stock market, you'll be able to make far better decisions when it's time to put your money to work.

Jeff Morgan is a business professional who has owned and operated several businesses for over 18 years. He owns a website packed with stock market related articles and resources

The Truth Behind Stock Market Trading

If you happen to watch a business show or business news on TV, you'd probably hear words or phrases like "stock market," 'trading," "stocks" or "stock market trading." What are these things and what is their significance? To answer your questions, here's an overview on what stock market trading is.


In simple terms, stock market trading is the voluntary buying and selling or exchange of company stocks and their derivatives. Stocks refer to the capital raised by a corporation by means of issuing and sharing shares. These are traded in a stock market just as commodities like coffee, sugar, wheat and rice are traded in a commodity market. The physical or virtual (as trading may take place online) marketplace for trading shares on the other hand is called stock exchange.

Trading Process

Stock market trading takes place as one sells his stocks and as the other buys them. Usually buyers and sellers of stocks meet in stock exchanges and there they agree on the price of the stocks. The actual stock market trading happens on a trading floor--the one usually shown on TV when news on stock market trading are reported. Here investors raise their arms, throwing signals to each other. That auction-like picture of a stock market trading is the traditional way stocks are traded. It's called "open outcry" since the traders cry out their bids.

Key Players in Stock Market Trading

Stock market trading participants vary from persons selling small individual stock investments to institutions trading collective investments, hedge funds, pension funds, mutual funds, etc. Big investors can be banks, insurance companies and other huge companies.

Importance of Stock Market Trading

Stock market trading is required to foster economic growth. It does this by helping companies raise capital or by helping them handle their financial problems. Stock market trading helps ensure that the capital is saved and is invested in most profitable business. Moreover, stock market facilitates the transfer of payments between traders.

Online Stock Market Trading

With the emergence and popularity of the Internet, almost everything can now be done conveniently online. You can go shopping online, join conferences online, read news online and communicate with business partners wherever you are. Even stock market trading can now be done virtually and this has made entering into a business much easier for anyone interested. Aside from conducting stock market trading over the Internet, you can also conveniently check status of your investments online.

The benefits of online stock market trading are just endless. Aside from the above mentioned, choosing where to invest is also much easier online. You can find virtually all kinds of stocks over the Internet; however, it would be best to invest in stocks with moving prices to ensure profitability in the long run.

Disadvantages of Stock Market Trading

One of the greatest drawbacks of stock market trading, whether online or not, is its lower leverage compared to other forms of trading like Forex trading. Also, you cannot easily short sell stocks as it takes time for stock prices to go up. This means that increasing your profit may also take time.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in business and finances. For more information regarding Stock Market Trading, please drop by at

Stock Market Analysis

The return that a stock can provide is often predicted with the help of technical analysis. Stock market trading tips are based on technical analysis of various parameters.

Stock market analysis is science of examining stock data and predicting their future moves on the stock market. Investors who use this style of analysis are often unconcerned about the nature or value of the companies they trade stocks in. Their holdings are usually short-term - once their projected profit is reached they drop the stock.

The basis for stock market analysis is the belief that stock prices move in predictable patterns. All the factors that influence price movement - company performance, the general state of the economy, natural disasters - are supposedly reflected in the stock market with great efficiency. This efficiency, coupled with historical trends produces movements that can be analyzed and applied to future stock market movements.

Stock market analysis is not intended for long-term investments because fundamental information concerning a company's potential for growth is not taken into account. Trades must be entered and exited at precise times, so technical analysts need to spend a great deal of time watching market movements. Most stock tips and recommendations are based on stock analysis methods.

Investors can take advantage of these stock analysis methods to track both upswings and downswings in price by deciding whether to go long or short on their portfolios. Stop-loss orders limit losses in the event that the market does not move as expected.

There are many tools available for stock market technical analysis. Hundreds of stock patterns have been developed over time. Most of them, however, rely on the basic stock analysis methods of 'support' and 'resistance'. Support is the level that downward prices are expected to rise from, and Resistance is the level that upward prices are expected to reach before falling again. In other words, prices tend to bounce once they have hit support or resistance levels.

Stock Analysis Charts & Patterns

Stock market analysis relies heavily on charts for tracking market movements. Bar charts are the most commonly used. They consist of vertical bars representing a particular time period - weekly, daily, hourly, or even by the minute. The top of each bar shows the highest price for the period, the bottom is the lowest price, and the small bar to the right is the opening price and the small bar to the left is the closing price. A great deal of information can be seen in glancing at bar charts. Long bars indicate a large price spread and the position of the side bars shows whether the price rose or dropped and also the spread between opening and closing prices.

A variation on the bar chart is the candlestick chart. These charts use solid bodies to indicate the variation between opening and closing prices and the lines (shadows) that extend above and below the body indicate the highest and lowest prices respectively. Candlestick bodies are coloured black or red if the closing price was lower than the previous period or white or green if the price closed higher. Candlesticks form various shapes that can indicate market movement. A green body with short shadows is bullish - the stock opened near its low and closed near its high. Conversely, a red body with short shadows is bearish - the stock opened near the high and closed near the low. These are only two of the more than 20 patterns that can be formed by candlesticks.

When glancing at charts the untrained eye may simply see random movements from one day to the next. Trained analysts, however, see patterns that are used to predict future movements of stock prices. There are hundreds of different indicators and patterns that can be applied. There is no one single reliable indicator, but these stock analysis methods when taken into consideration with others, investors can be quite successful in predicting price movements.

One of the most popular patterns is Cup and Handle. Prices start out relatively high then dip and come back up (the cup). They finally level out for a period (handle) before making a breakout - a sudden rise in price. Investors who buy on the handle can make good profits.

Another popular pattern is Head and Shoulders. This is formed by a peak (first shoulder) followed by a dip and then a higher peak (the head) followed again by a dip and a rise (the second shoulder). This is taken to be a bearish pattern with prices to fall substantially after the second shoulder.

Other Stock Market Analysis Methods

Moving Average - The most popular indicator is the moving average. This shows the average price over a period of time. For a 30 day moving average you add the closing prices for each of the 30 days and divide by 30. The most common averages are 20, 30, 50, 100, and 200 days. Longer time spans are less affected by daily price fluctuations. A moving average is plotted as a line on a graph of price changes. When prices fall below the moving average they have a tendency to keep on falling. Conversely, when prices rise above the moving average they tend to keep on rising.

Relative Strength Index (RSI) - This indicator compares the number of days a stock finishes up with the number of days it finishes down. It is calculated for a certain time span - usually between 9 and 15 days. The average number of up days is divided by the average number of down days. This number is added to one and the result is used to divide 100. This number is subtracted from 100. The RSI has a range between 0 and 100. A RSI of 70 or above can indicate a stock which is overbought and due for a fall in price. When the RSI falls below 30 the stock may be oversold and is a good time to buy. These numbers are not absolute - they can vary depending on whether the market is bullish or bearish. RSI charted over longer periods tend to show less extremes of movement. Looking at historical charts over a period of a year or so can give a good indicator of how a stock price moves in relation to its RSI.

Money Flow Index (MFI) - The RSI is calculated by following stock prices, but the Money Flow Index (MFI) takes into account the number of shares traded as well as the price. The range is from 0 to 100 and just like the RSI, an MFI of 70 is an indicator to sell and an MFI of 30 is an indicator to buy. Also like the RSI, when charted over longer periods of time the MFI can be more accurate as an indicator.

Bollinger Bands - This indicator is plotted as a grouping of 3 lines. The upper and lower lines are plotted according to market volatility. When the market is volatile the space between these lines widens and during times of less volatility the lines come closer together. The middle line is the simple moving average between the two outer lines (bands). As prices move closer to the lower band the stronger the indication is that the stock is oversold - the price should soon rise. As prices rise to the higher band the stock becomes more overbought meaning prices should fall. Bollinger bands are often used by investors to confirm other indicators. The wise technical analyst will always use a number of indicators before making a decision to trade a particular stock.

Hunter Crowell is a researcher, marketer, and an avid investor. He is also the creator of Stock Market Trading, a web site setup to help investors find useful and accurate information related to investing in stocks. Visit his site at

Stock Market Investing

Investing in the Market - How Stock Market works?


Investors around the globe are always eager to convert their hard-earned money into an amount that can secure their life in the years to come in the shortest possible time. Very few investment options can give the result that an investor seeks. Stock Market is one of the options where it is possible. The king of all the investment options where it is possible to earn a fortune overnight is Stock Market. Most Investor believes that stock market investing provides them with the scope of the maximum return in the shortest time.

Role of Stock Market for companies

However, Stock market investing is lucrative; a query should strike the mind of an investor before entering the world of a stock trader, i.e. ‘How Stock Market Works?’ Stock Broker or an experienced stock trader can help you a lot in clearing your doubts related to your query. It seems a difficult question, but has a simple answer and can be understood without any confusion. Companies are always looking forward to raise their capital for development purposes to get more profit for the organization. They target minor investors for the purpose and the best place to locate them is stock market. To publicize themselves, companies offer a portion (of the overall share of the concern) to public through stock market.

Role of Stock Market for Investors

For investors, stock market and its day trading are the medium from where they look forward to have transactions, i.e. buy or sell, in the stocks that they feel comfortable with. The process of buying or selling of a stock can be achieved in real-time day trading, online stock market, etc.

By understanding the role of stock market in stocks and a stock trader, it is easy to understand the basic working that is involved in stock market. However, an investor who looks forward for extracting maximum tries to gather more and more knowledge on the subject of ‘stock market’. To gather better knowledge, it is important for learning the terms involved in the world of ‘day trading’, ‘stock broker’, ‘stock trader’, etc. that includes stock quotes & market capitalization.

Stock Quotes

The most popular of all the terms used in stock market is stock quotes. Stock quotes signify the prices that a stock is transacted in the market. An investor studies the stock quotes regularly through the information available from a stockbroker or another stock trader during the day trading. It helps him in making the best decision in relation to stocks. Stock quotes are controlled by several factors that include economical health, trends in spending & trading and technical or financial report of the company put forward to the investors by the company or experienced stockbroker.

Market Capitalization

Market capitalization is another term that can ring in your ears while you are involved in a conversation whose subject is related to stock market. The term indicates the overall values of companies or stocks that are offered in stock market. Using a simple formula can do calculation of market capitalization of stocks: Number of surplus share in the market X stock quotes.

Buying and Selling of Stocks

The next step after knowing the basic terminologies is learning the procedures for buying and selling of stocks in day trading or online stock market. Buying of stocks is the procedure that requires an appropriate investment amount from a stock trader. This investment amount is utilized in paying for the total amount of the stocks brought along with the commission or the tax charges involved with the transaction. Investor opts for opening investment account with stockbroker that has firm nearby investor’s location for convenience. However, online stock market has given an option for an online account for investment to a stock trader that allows them to buy without the involvement of a stockbroker. The process that follows the opening of the investment account is funding it for making the purchases. The moment your account receives the apt fund for the purchase, stock buying can be done. The process of selling requires the stock trader to inform their stock broker about the quantity of shares you require to sell and at what stock prices. Online stock market requires the trader to enter the order for sell through their investment account.

Once you understand the proceedings and the working of stock market investing, your success in the field is unstoppable.

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